William Cheung

B.Eco(Acc) CPA

Member of the CPA Australia, Registered Tax Agent

Will (the principal of the firm) has a strong theoretical and practical background in accounting and public practice. As well as having over twenty years practical experience in client accounting, taxation and business services, he is a fully qualified member of the CPA Australia since 2004, with a bachelor degree in Economics (major in Accounting & Economics) from University of Adelaide.

Specialising in business advisory, taxation and management advice, Will has a wealth of knowledge and experience across a broad range of industries. He also has extensive experience and knowledge of Self Managed Superannuation Funds.

Will takes a holistic approach to your current situation in developing strategies to achieve your goals.

businessman and drawing goal  diagram over head

Kennis Cheung


Kennis has completed her Master of Professional Accounting from Griffith University in 2006 and has been working in taxation and accounting since 2007. She primarily gained her accounting experience at a leading Chartered Accountancy firm in Brisbane for 6 years.

With over 14 years accounting experience, Kennis specialises in family tax planning and investment properties. She is also an ATO tax specialist, engaging with the ATO to obtain remittance of penalties & interest as well as obtaining extensions of submissions.